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Open Space Commission Minutes 01/11/2013

Friday, January 11, 2013.

  • Call to order/welcome:
Chairperson Diana Atwood Johnson, called to order the meeting at 8.30am.
Members Attending: Diana Atwood Johnson, Amanda Blair, Evan Griswold, Peter Cable, Bill Dunbar, Kurt Zemba.

Excused: George James, Bruce Baratz, Ted Kiritsis

  • Voting Alternates: None
3.  Election of Officers:
Bill Dunbar motioned to nominate Diana Atwood Johnson to continue as Chairperson, Amanda Blair as Vice Chairperson and Ted Kritisis as Secretary, motion was seconded by Evan Griswold, all in favor motion passed.

4.  New Business:
Chairperson Johnson reports that she received an email from Chris Clayton regarding a local property owned by Mr Smith that is currently on the market for sale.  The committee discussed this and concluded they are not interested in pursuing this property.

The committee has been asked if they will be participating in National Trails Day on June 2nd. Peter Cable will explore how OLOS might participate.

Peter Cable informed attendees of a meeting being held in Middletown by CRERPA, which is scheduled to take place in March. The meeting is for people who work on commissions and organizations who are concerned about the legal land use issues.  The OSC members will consider attending this meeting.
  • Old Business: trail book.
Peter Cable reports that a meeting took place in December to discuss the progress of the trail maps; Diana, Ted Crosby, Bruc eand Chris Clayton also attended.  Ted has put together several basic maps of the trails and the OSC are yet to decide on additional information the maps should contain.  Another meeting will take place in January to discuss which additional information that should be on said maps.

  •  Other Old Business:  Diana reported that it may have been Steve Ames realtor who was using a leaf blower to prepare for a showing of the lot adjacent to the Town’s Open Space. She also read a follow up email from Mark Johnston indicating he may attend one of the commission’s meetings. A discussion of trail maintenance and the pros and cons of raking the trails was held.  Diana also reported that Tony Hendriks had completed the revisions to the Ames Grant survey for DEEP.  Finally, Diana informed the committee of the @$4700 quote from APPGEO to put the town’s open space data on the Town’s mapping system. There is a great deal of discussion regarding ways to provide this data at the national, state and regional level as well as locally. Margo Burns from CRERPA will be talking to the Open Space Review Board at their next meeting and will see where their inventory system project is at this time.
8.  Reports of officers and/or committees: None

9. Correspondence and communications: None

  • Adjournment:
Bill Dunbar made a motion to adjourn the meeting, motion seconded by Evan Griswold, all in favor.

Meeting was adjourned at 09.50am.

Respectfully submitted

Stacey Pamplin